How It Works


Sharing and booking of moorings is done via mobile app that you can download for free.You can use the app immediately and only need to register as a user once you want to book a mooring or you set up your own mooring for sharing. Watch the video to see how it works.

Download Boatpark app for free to your mobile device

Find and book a mooring

As a captain looking for a mooring: find available moorings in your area via map view and
make a reservation with a few clicks. All your bookings are kept for overview.


Load app to your mobile Device.


Indicate desired booking time and find available mooring in your are on map.


Check size/attributes/ availability of mooring and confirm booking.


Login/Register as user in Boatpark app. Enter your credit card information for payment.


Pay directly in the app and receive booking confirmation by mail.

Watch the video on how to find a mooring

Share my mooring

As a marina or mooring owner: set up your moorings including availability and pricing in less than 5 minutes. Generate additional revenue and offer your mooring to other captains.


Load app to your mobile Device.


Mark your mooring on map, click on create mooring.


Enter size of mooring plus additional information. Indicate days of availability and pricing. Save your mooring.*)


Login/Register as user in Boatpark app. Enter your bank account details to receive payments.


Change/add days of availability every time you go on a trip and mooring is available.

*)By saving the mooring you confirm to be authorized to share the mooring and to know about its availabilities.

Watch the video on how to share a mooring:

Register for new account and login to Boatpark app

First time registering for a Boatpark account is shown in this video:

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